Sunday, August 7, 2011

another boring afternoon

Another boring afternoon,
I stuck in cafeteria and study lounge,
When will this study life end?
When can I live without books?
When can I go back to my home sweet home?
When can I???
When can I??
When can I?
I can't imagine whether I still can stand this study life or not.
If I am staying with my parents, I will definitely can cope with it.
Cause they can motivate me,
they will encourage me to keep going on.
But now,
my courage is no longer there,
I find my life is boring,
and it is so sad to say that,
there is no enjoyment living at here.
How can I cheer myself up?
How can I be happy?
How can I be contented?
How can I???
How can I??
How can I?

p/s: can't wait to go back to Debak~
     - miss my bed so much~
     - miss my daddy so much~
     - miss my mummy so much~

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